Saturday, August 22, 2020

Business Ethics of Fords Pinto Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Ethics of Fords Pinto - Essay Example This exposition talks about the topic of imperative upon the opportunity to trade different sorts of products that have a few unique interests and issues today. A nearby assessment of those worries moves a long ways past the extent of this paper, yet the utilization of a portion of the moral speculations examined loans help with educating the conversation. After thought of the different positions, the end is that the nonattendance of any imperative on fares would be unscrupulous. In the event that, utilizing a type of Kant’s prime goal, the all out basic is the assurance of the American workforce, numerous companies would leave business on account of the related misfortune in serious position. With respect to sending out those wares restricted in the United States, however not somewhere else, except if the item is known to be destructive or insufficient, there is no moral problem. The scientist expresses that a case of this is clear with Nestle’s exportation of newborn child equation. While the item itself might be protected, the abuse by third-world moms trying to weaken the cost outcomes in under-sustained youngsters, kids who don't get the full advantage of a mother’s characteristic milk, and recorded passings. Clearly, this is the place the moral issue turns into the most troublesome and where balance among guideline and corporate duty bodes well. Should the administration power the organization to quit sending out a lawful item on account of a negative effect through item abuse by the buyers? No.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Riot Roundup The Best Books We Read in December

Riot Roundup The Best Books We Read in December We asked our contributors to share the best book they read last month. We’ve got fiction, nonfiction, YA, and much, much moreâ€"there are book recommendations for everyone here! Some are old, some are new, and some aren’t even out yet. Enjoy and tell us about the highlight of your reading month in the comments. All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders I have a regret about this book and that is that I shall never again read it for the first time. I loved it so very much. As a fan of sci-fi and fantasy, I’ve read many books that make use of the “Science vs. Magic” trope and just when you think this book is doing the same old thing, it turns it completely on its head. The writing is engaging and comfortable. The use of magic is a nice balance of fanciful and almost believable. As soon as I finished this book, I bought about 5 copies as gifts. This book very easily has made it onto my list of favorites. â€"Patricia Elzie-Tuttle All the President’s Men by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward I, admittedly, know very little about Watergate. But with the scandal(s) plaguing the current administration, I started to become interested in learning more. I started out with listening to the new Slate podcast “Slow Burn”, sharing the interesting, often overlooked stories of Watergate. From there, I figured it was time to finally bite the bullet and read the book by the two young Washington Post journalists who, with the assistance of the infamous Deep Throat, broke the story wide open that would lead to Nixon’s resignation. The book reads more like fiction than a memoir by two journalists. It’s an absolute page turner that will keep you interested from page one. The book ends (a bit unsatisfyingly) with Nixon still in office, insisting that he will stay on as the man the American people voted for. So I’m excited to next get to Woodward and Bernstein’s The Final Days, outlining the ultimate fall of the Nixon presidency. What can I say…I need a little hope in these da rk hours that justice does eventually win out. â€"Elizabeth Allen American War by Omar El Akkad I love a well-thought-out dystopian novel, and this one is especially good. Set in the late 21st century, it describes a United States once again torn apart by civil war, this time over the use of oil. Florida is almost entirely underwater, and the main character, Sarat, lives in a version of Louisiana that is partially flooded and part of the neutral border territories between the southern states that continue using oil and the northern states where it is outlawed. When circumstances force Sarat’s family into a refugee camp in Georgia, Sarat develops a political ideology that leads to destruction on various fronts. It’s a fascinating exploration into how a person can become radicalized. On reflection, I’m not sure the future El Akkad posits is entirely convincing, but it’s an interesting vision that makes sense on the surface. What I admire the book for most is how it so thoroughly puts us inside the mind of a terrorist. And it does so without letting her off the hook for he r crimes or softening the horror of her ultimate act. It’s a tricky balancing act, and El Akkad manages it perfectly. â€"Teresa Preston Autonomous by Annalee Newitz Recently on Twitter, Malka Older (author of Infomocracy and Null States) strongly recommended Newitz’s Autonomous. As a big fan of Older’s thoughtful political sci-fi, I was excited to take her advice and pick up Newitz’s book. And that excitement paid off. Newitz spins a story of drug patents, indentured servitude, robot sex, and more within a richly imagined near future where intellectual property laws structure economic and social interaction even more than they do now. Shifting perspectives between a biotech pirate running for her life and the robot tasked with killing her, Autonomous is as thrilling as it is politically sharp. I’ve had a serious book hangover since I finished it. â€"Derek Attig Beasts Made of Night by Tochi Onyebuchi It’s becoming harder and harder to find truly unique fantasy. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, I like a lot of the tropes out there, but finding a new, original fantasy world is such a treat. This is Onyebuchi’s debut and sometimes it shows in his pacing, which is slower than what you can usually expect from YA fantasy, but his world building is phenomenal. Beasts has garnered quite a few comparisons to Nnedi Okorafor’s work and rightfully so; the Nigerian influences are strong and authentic. I found myself drawn to the cocky young aki, Taj. As a protagonist, I don’t think I’ve read a more authentic teenage boy in a while. Taj has a talent and a curse in his ability as an aki, which means he can eat the sins of others. While they provide an essential service to society, they are reviled by the populace. Taj is one of the most experienced and competent akis, which, of course, leads to his entanglement in a royal plot and an unexpected romance. If you’re looking for da rk magic, political intrigue, and some interesting societal commentary, then you should definitely pick up Beasts Made of Night. You won’t regret it. â€"Brandi Bailey The Birchbark House by Louise Erdrich This book is Louise Erdrich’s answer to the Little House on the Prairie series: it’s life in the “big woods” from a Native American point of view. It’s the story of Omakayas, an Ojibwe girl, and her thoughts and experiences as she goes through a momentous year in the life of her island community. We learn about her daily life and the rhythms of the year at the same time as we get a sense of the threats Omakayas’s family and community face. It’s charming, moving, difficult, and important reading. â€"Rebecca Hussey Bored and Brilliant: How Spacing Out Can Unlock Your Most Productive and Creative Self by Manoush Zomorodi This gave me so much food for thought about why I have the relationship I have with my technology and the ways I can consider being more conscious of that. This isnt anti-tech, and Manoush does a great job of giving insight into both sides of the coinâ€"she, for example, found herself addicted to Two Dots and wondered why, so she explored why it was a problem for her, as well as interviewed one of the creators of the game and how the addictive mentality could be mined to suck people into such a game. There are mini challenges throughout, meant to encourage finding ways to get bored. The audiobook is read by the author, and its no surprise shes great. Its fabulous to listen to a self-help/creative/business-y book written by and read by a woman of color. Its not some Silicon Valley, young white guy who has all of the answers. Its much more real and, for me, applicable. I also just agree with the premise of needing quiet, boring time in order to be our best, most creative selves. And oh, how I loathe spending time with people who never get off their damn phones. Why am I with you if your face is glued to a screen? But then again, I dont feel the compulsion to do that, and its worthwhile to read this one and consider why it is a. other people do and b. why I react how I do. â€"Kelly Jensen The Book of Dust by Philip Pullman I’m still processing this book, but to be honest, it’s not necessarily a book I want to process. Pullman’s His Dark Materials series was part of my childhood, and so I was ready for anything new involving that world and its beloved daemons. This book is hard, and it meanders sometimes, and I’ve heard someone criticize for the entirely fair reason of there being what can be read as a rape scene of a young womanâ€"but it’s not on the page, and it’s a hint that grownups will understand and children reading the books won’t put together, and honestly, I don’t find rape scenes gratuitous in books very often, because it’s a reflection of a very very fucked up society and reality that we live in. More importantly, though, the book felt true to its world for me in a deep way that I’m grateful for. â€"Ilana Masad  We Need New Names by NoViolet Bulawayo We Need New Names has a familiar narrative arc: a child in a poor country (in this case, Zimbabwe) longs for a new life in a rich country (here, the U.S.), only to find that this new life doesn’t quite live up to its mythology. Bulawayo makes this story arc vivid, moving, and at times comic. Her book doesn’t romanticize the poverty of a Zimbabwean shack settlement, but also deeply humanizes the characters and the emotions within it. From disillusionment following an election to the guilt of being the one who got out, We Need New Names is devastating and beautifully detailed. â€"Christine Ro From Twinkle, With Love by Sandhya Menon (Simon Pulse, June 5, 2018) Delightful, inspiring, and the hug your heart most certainly needs. Twinkle is an aspiring filmmaker writing journal entries to the directors she looks up to about her current life: her distant mother, workaholic father, free spirited grandmother, her best friend finding new friends with the popular rich kids, the boy she has a crush on, her secret admirer, and her not so secret admirerâ€"all while filming her first movie. It’s a pleasure to watch Twinkle succeed, stumble, fall, and learn while trying to find her voice and place as the girl who refuses to stay a wallflower. Do future you a favor and pre-buy this 2018 gem. When it arrives on your doorstep on its publishing day you’ll be thanking past you.   â€"Jamie Canaves George by Alex Gino I happen to not often pick up books that are middle grade or YA, but after hearing so many great things about George, I just had to see for myself what the hubbub was about. And y’all. I don’t think I’ve ever smiled so much reading a book. Simply put, George is the story of a transgender girl in the fourth grade who wants nothing more than to play Charlotte in the class production of Charlotte’s Web. But there is so much more to this book that makes it beautiful and heartwarming and hopeful, something I especially needed at a Tim e when the world feels like it’s falling apart. â€"Patricia Thang The Girl in the Tower by Katherine Arden For fans of The Bear and the Nightingale this sequel does not disappoint! The Girl in the Tower has all that its predecessor does: elements of Russian folklore and fantasy, a breathtaking background of snowy medieval Rus’, and a heroine that will steal your heart, but it also has so much more. Its a joy to see Vasya come into her own as a young woman as she finds a path thats truly her own. I also loved the expansion of Katherine Arden’s worldbuilding as Vasya’s journey brings her to medieval Moscow and her brother and sister, both great characters in their own right. I cant wait for the final book in the trilogy! â€"Pierce Alquist Into the Night by Cynthia Eden So creepy and chilling that I had to sleep with the light on, this book follows two FBI agents as they pursue a vigilante stalking and slaughtering serial killers. Macey Night and Bowen Murphy, both of whom we met in book two of Eden’s Killer Instinct series, have personal connections to a killer and have landed a coveted spot on Samantha Dark’s team due to those connections. So when Macey thinks she might have found her attacker from long ago, a doctor-turned-serial killer who vanished after she escaped him, Bowen and Macey proceed cautiously to the shadows of the Smoky Mountains. It’s soon apparent that they are caught in the vigilante’s web and that it may not be in the cards for them to survive. Oh yes, and they begin and smoking hot romance somewhere along the way too! If you are looking for a psychological thriller and are a fan of romance, this is the book for you. It’s not weighted too heavily in one genre or another, it’s just genuinely frightening enough to scar e someone out of their wits while also having moments of intense, captivating romance. â€"Erin McCoy Kim Reaper: Grim Beginnings by Sarah Graley (March 13, 2018) This is an absolutely adorable little comic about Kim, an art school student who is crushing on Kim, a gothic girl in her class. Little does she know, Kim is a part-time Grim Reaper, and she ends up being dragged along in various undead shenanigans. If you’re looking for a fun, cute, quick read (especially an F/F one), I would highly recommend picking this up. Also, Becka is the most adorable main character. The hair buns! Her cute little tummy! Honestly, I couldn’t believe how much I appreciated that there is an outline of Becka’s tummy in every panel. Seeing a character that’s so cute have a visible stomach outline makes me happier in my own clothes. â€"Danika Ellis Landline by Rainbow Rowell Landline by Rainbow Rowell This is not the first time I’ve read Landline. The end of the year is a great time to reread a lot of Rowell’s stuffâ€"many of her books are set at Christmas or have Christmas scenesâ€"and Landline  is the one I return to most often this time of year. Georgie McCool has a shot at her dream jobâ€"the one she’s been working towards nonstop for the last decade. The only problem is, she’ll have to work through Christmas, an issue that will not be taken lightly by her two beloved daughters and her lately-distant husband. The choice to chase this dream could have disastrous consequencesunless Georgie can find a way to revisit the past and figure out where things went wrong.  Landline is about college and marriage and personal ambition versus family happiness and the enormous complication of fitting your life along someone else’s life, all handled while still making me snort-laugh and swoon. â€"Ashlie Swicker Leonardo da Vinci by Walter Isaacson This in-depth biography of one of the Renaissance’s most remarkable men was justamazing. Like many other people, I assume, I knew a few things about Leonardo already. I think it’s impossible to go through any kind of schooling and not learn at least a little bit about him. But after reading Isaacson’s biography, I felt like I was learning stories about a relative, or a friend. Isaacson did real justice to da Vinci, showing him warts and all. This book made me want to experience the world differently, look at things the way Leonardo might have. That is a rare thing and I loved it. This was actually the first of Isaacson’s works I had read and I was surprised by how engaging and funny his writing is not at all boring, pedantic, or self-important the way some texts can be. I listened to this on audiobook, so having Alfred Molina’s voice in my ears for 17 hours was not at all a bad thing, either. â€"Kristen McQuinn The Library At Mount Char  by Scott Hawkins I learned of this book through the Penguin Hotline, which I highly recommend using just for this gem alone. Carolyn vaguely remembers what it is to be an American, but it’s been a while. She was adopted with other children by the man they call Father to live and learn at his Library. Each child is tutored in their own Catalogue, everything from war to healing. Now Father is missing and the Library is booby-trapped and they don’t know why. Carolyn must now venture out into America and prepare for the upcoming battle for the world. It’s an engrossing read but it can be very gruesome at times. Penguin calls it a mix of Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman’s Good Omens.   â€"Elisa Shoenberger Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng This novel about the placid community of Shaker Heights, upended when artist Mia and her teenage daughter Pearl arrive and rent a house from the picture-perfect Richardson family (mom, dad, and four teenage children), has been everywhere and on multiple “best of the year” lists. Now that I’ve finally gotten to it, I can say…I agree! Ng’s thoughtful look under the surface of American life, her careful use of secrets and miscommunication to move the plot forward, and her sympathetic rendering of complicated characters all make this one of the best books I’ve read in Decemberâ€"and this year. â€"Kathleen Keenan Lighter Than My Shadow by Katie Green This quiet graphic memoir about a girl’s life with an eating disorder will tear you apart. The artâ€"all shades of grayâ€"is gorgeous, with a ball of black squiggle following her everywhere she goes, telling her not to eat a thing. Lighter Than My Shadow is the story of Katie Green’s struggle and recovery, and, as the forward notes, the book she wishes had been there for her. â€"Ashley Holstrom Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds Jason Reynolds has written some of my favorite YA and middle grade fiction. His stories feature important stories, strong emotions, and beautiful writing. Long Way Down feels like the culmination of all three elements super-sized. Told in verse, with each section representing the ride between a different floor on the elevator, we meet fifteen year old Will as he’s visited by the literal ghosts of his past while trying to decide if he’s going to avenge his older brother’s murder. â€"Alison Doherty The Lost Girls of Camp Forevermore by Kim Fu (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, February 13) I picked up Jennifer Egan and Celeste Ng vibes as I devoured this fantastic novel about five girls who experience a traumatic event while on a camp outing. The telling of the event itself unfolds slowly in between larger chapters examining the lives of each of the girls after camp. The narrative structure works perfectly, and I loved that one of their stories is even told from the perspective of a younger sister of one of the campers instead of the camper herself. This is a gorgeous heartbreaker of a book. â€"Liberty Hardy Laura Emma by Kate Greathead (Simon Schuster, March 2018) When Laura, a privileged New Yorker, gets unexpectedly pregnant from a random encounter, she tells people she used a sperm donor and becomes a single mother to Emma. I couldn’t stop reading this bookâ€"set in NYC in the 80s and 90s, this examination of the mother-daughter relationship, as well as family dynamics, was so well done. The ending knocked me on my butt, and will stay with me for a while. â€"Jaime Herndon Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders After months and months of hearing so many good things about this book, I was doubtful it would ever live up to all the hype. I could not have been more wrong. When I finally decided to pick it up, I was absolutely blown away. It exceeded all my expectations, and rocketed into position as my favorite read of 2017, no contest. I listened to the audio, which was extraordinary, and I admit that I’m not sure I would have liked it nearly as much in print. The audio itself is a masterpieceâ€"Saunders’ bizarre, strange, beautiful, haunting novel lends itself to audio in ways that few books do. Lincoln in the Bardo moved me in a deep and lasting way. It’s a masterpiece of form and style, experimental and original, but it’s also a universal and riveting story about grief and family and what makes us who we are. â€"Laura Sackton MEM by Bethany C. Morrow In an alternate 1920s Dolores Extract #1 is recalled to the Vault. There, she exists among other extracted memories like her, or rather, unlike her entirely. Dolores knows more than her Source’s traumatic memoryâ€"one she might have been forced to play out on loop if not for her singular ability to make her own memories, have her own thoughts. Mem is a haunting instant classic of the Flowers for Algernon ilk; spare, beautiful, and intensely powerful. This book was unputdownable, and is everything I want in a 2018 science fiction novel. â€"S. Zainab Williams Mr. Loverman by Bernadine Evaristo Barry is a 74 year old Antiguan-born husband, father, and grandfather who has been in a long term secret relationship with his best friend since he was 14 years oldalso a married husband and father. Told with wit, richness, and flair, Evaristo writes a story about this man coming to live his truth openly and the ripples it creates within this family. I listened to the audiobook and I highly recommend that format. Robin Miles and Ron Butler gave fantastic performances. â€"Christina Vortia My Grandmother: An Armenian-Turkish Memoir by Fethiye Cetin   A beautiful (short) memoir that tells the story of how Cetin discovered that her grandmother, Seher, was in fact the daughter of an Armenian family that fled Turkey during the Armenian genocide, snatched by a Turkish gendarmerie commander as they embarked on a death march that would take them across the border to Aleppo, and kill thousands of their friends and fellow villagers. â€"Kareem Shaheen One Day We’ll All Be Dead and None of This Will Matter by Scaachi Koul Confession:  I usually get about 1â€"2 essays deep in a collection and then wander away. I have terrible attention span when it comes to essays. But Scaachi Koul’s collection was such a fantastic read, I couldn’t wait to get back to it each evening. Her writing is hilarious and poignant (there were moments in the first essay that had me laughing, and then on the next page, took my breath away). Her subject matterâ€"family, career, identity, raceâ€"she handles with unflinching honesty and admirable humor. I can’t recommend it enough, and I’m so glad I finally read it. â€"Dana Staves Persepolis Rising by James S.A. Corey This seventh volume of The Expanse series was the book I was most excited to read in December and it was also my favorite. It starts a little more slowly than I’ve become accustomed to as regards these novels and I was a little worried the engines may have run out of fuel, but my concerned proved unfoundedâ€"it picked up about a third of the way through and after that, I couldn’t put it down. In fairness, there was some reframing to be doneâ€"Persepolis starts thirty years after the conclusion of Babylon’s Ashesâ€"and we need to catch up on everything that’s happened with our intrepid heroes, and a couple of galaxies, in the intervening years. Bobbie, my absolute favorite character in The Expanse world, is a major player in Persepolis, so if you’ve been waiting for that, Happy Holidays, and you’ll be pleased to know Avasarala is still very, very fond of the more colorful parts of her vocabulary. Proof positive there are always more stories to be told. â€"S.W. Sondheimer Princess Jellyfish, Vol. 1 by Akiko Higashimura This was an incredibly fun read. Princess Jellyfish was about a group of women who live together and are passionate about different things. Their lives change when Tsukimi crosses paths with a beautiful woman in a pet store. This was a fantastic slice of life that showed female friendships in a slightly heightened magical realism. It was full of makeover scenes, discussions of specific fandoms, and romantic entanglements. A super fun easy read that helped get me out a reading slump. â€"Danielle Bourgon Race to the Bottom of the Sea  by Lindsay Eager Science. Adventurous girls. Pirates! All the great ingredients needed for a fun childrens story. It starts out soberly, when young Fidelia loses her parents. Then pirates kidnap her, to use her inventions to retrieve treasure from the ocean floor.  This story asks who the heroes and villains are, and doesnt pull punches about how living means you have regrets, and that death happens to everyone.  Its also refreshing that we have a female lead whos clever and a scientist. Fidelia is the role model we need, going into 2018. I hope we get more adventures with her. â€"Priya Sridhar Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward I’ve been on the hold list at my local library for a LONG TIME for this book, and I was thrilled to get it before the end of the year! Sing, Unburied, Sing won the 2017 National Book Award for Fiction, marking Jesmyn Ward’s second time winning the award. She’s a phenomenal writer; her strength really shines through her masterful language and moving characters. This book explores race, poverty, family, loss, and grief in rural Mississippi, with a bit of magical realism as well. It’s probably been on every Riot RoundUp this year. If you haven’t already read it, add it to your TBR immediately. It’s a book that you won’t forget. â€"Susie Dumond Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho I’m two years behind on this book because I kept resisting picking it up. After reading it, I have no idea why I put off this book. Of our two main characters, I really liked Zacharias with his quiet composure despite the chaos around him. But, I loved Prunella. She practically crackled in every scene she was in. A woman who is self-assured and competent, she made things happen to improve her very unstable situation. I love capable heroines. The magic was fun with England having international situations in this world, as well as Fairyland. I think I’m ready to give Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell another whirl. â€"Aimee Miles Sweetbitter by Stephanie Danler Confession: sometimes I judge books by their covers. And I initially dismissed this novel, thinking it was chick lit. Any time I heard people gush about it, I half-listened. Recently I listened to Stephanie Danler talk on a podcast about writing. I fell in love with her voice and her brain and ran to the library to pick up her book. I’ve inhaled this book with a violent ferocity that I never thought I would. It is delicious, dangerous, brutally honest, and insanely addicting. I’m now revisiting books I may have initially rejected due to their subject matter or content, and am DESPERATE for read-alikes. â€"Jan Rosenberg Spinning by Tillie Walden Im always on the lookout for a likely looking graphic novel, and this one jumped out at me from the shelf of my local library. Spinning is a gorgeous and poignant memoir about ice skating, coming of age, and love, among many other things. Its incredible, queer, and an absolute must-read. Im excited for whatever Tillie Walden creates next. â€"Jessica Yang Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman Scythe, the first book in the Arc of a Scythe series, was one of my biggest surprises of the past year and I was so excited to read the sequel. And it does NOT disappoint. Having successfully escaped from the Winter Conclave, Rowan has become a vigilante under the name Scythe Lucifer, where he only gleans scythes who are abusing their title. Think a scythe version of Dexter, here. Citra has now become Scythe Anastasia, and chosen a unique way of performing her gleanings: giving the chosen victims a month’s notice to get their affairs in order. We also get a glimpse into the inner thoughts of the Thunderhead, a omniscient, omnipresent watchdog. â€"Kate Krug The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa This is a quirky and utterly charming book partly narrated by a cat whose owner is taking him on trips to find someone new to look after him. It’s sweet, funny, touching, and a little bittersweet. One of my top three of the yearâ€"and all my top favourites came from a non-English speaking country, so I’m glad I decided to broaden my reading this year. â€"Claire Handscombe Want It by Elisabeth Barrett A sizzling hot contemporary romance set in Portland, with a Romeo Juliet-inspired twist. The extremely Irish Phelan family and the very Italian Costa clan have hated one another for generations, ever since they set up businesses next to each other. But Juliet Costa and Brody Phelan have developed a friendship of sorts, at least until Brody decides he wants to take things to the next level. I loved take-charge Juliet and her crazy-making family, and the way her and Brody’s relationship developed. The sex scenes were a little OTT, but it is a romance novel. Definitely worthy escapist reading. â€"Tasha Brandstatter We Are Okay by Nina LaCour I picked this up for a Twitter readathon and it honestly became one of the best books I read this whole year. It was a book about love, loss, friendship, and grief that was at once devastating and heart-warming. â€"Adiba Jaigirdar We’re Going to Need More Wine: Stories That are Funny, Complicated, and True by Gabrielle Union I confess: I only knew Gabrielle Union from Bring It On and a brief stint on the cancelled TV show Night Stalker from 10 years ago. But I had heard so many good things about this book, and so many patrons at my library were asking to put this book on hold, that I knew I needed to read it. Holy cow, I loved this book with my heart and soul. Gabrielle Union narrates the audiobook, and her candid, chatty tone made me feel like I was sharing my commutes with a good friend. If I hadn’t been driving, I would absolutely have poured myself a glass of wine to listen. Her writing is open, and she’s very forthcoming about the mistakes she’s made in her life, as well as the experiences she had growing up in a predominantly white neighborhood, and then making her way through Hollywood. As a woman, I laughed and related to many of her stories, but as a white woman, I also stopped and learned from her stories about colorism within the black community, racism in Hollywood, and the larger meani ngs behind how black women style their hair. There’s so much to learn and appreciate in this collection of essays, and we are all extremely lucky to have this book, and Gabrielle Union’s perspectives, in our lives. I’ll be buying my own print copy as soon as I can. â€"Katie McLain Wild Beauty by Ntozake Shange   i am the voice of my selves who have / not/learned to speak / my mute deaf dreams come thru / here / my silent daughters / why i speak at all Powerful! This is the first poetry collection Ive read by Shange, and I found it moving in many ways. Its accessible, meaningful, and Im looking forward to discovering more of her poetry. â€"Margaret Kingsbury wrapped  by Rebekah Weatherspoon This tiny novella published only days before Christmas grabbed me heart and soul. I love Rebekahs work pretty much irrevocably, and she manages to pack a punch in a low number of pages and still make you happy at the end. In this one, Shae, a baker with a successful business, matches with Aidan, a former coworker shed always had the hots for, on a popular dating app. The two hit it off pretty much immediately, but things from Shaes past and her own issues with anxiety continue to lead to misunderstandings. I wont tell you that this bit of fluff didnt make me cry, cause anxiety is real, peeps. But in the end, it was the perfect way to wrap up the Christmas holiday. â€"Jessica Pryde What was your favorite book of the month?

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Death Of Alzheimer s Brain - 1382 Words

Introduction: - Lost keys, an overlooked name, requiring an additional minute to recall where you stopped your auto. No doubt we re talking average absentmindedness or simply ordinary age-related changes, not Alzheimer s ailment. In any case, when you start battling with errands that have dependably been simple (e.g., abruptly not having the capacity to adjust the checkbook) that is more reason for concernsaid by Nancy Udelson. Despite the way that 5.1 million individuals age 65 and more seasoned are as of now influenced by Alzheimer s, it is not a typical some portion of maturing (however the danger rises with age). It is a dynamic issue that assaults the cerebrum s nerve cells, clarifies Ditty Steinberg, the official VP of the Alzheimer s Establishment of America. The brains of individuals who have Alzheimer s are stopped up with injuries that conform to the outside of neurons, eventually annihilating these mind cells. As the person born after WW2 populace gets more established, the rate of Alzh eimer s is anticipated to blast, influencing upwards of 16 million individuals by 2050, unless therapeutic achievements distinguish approaches to forestall or all the more viably treat the illness. In the event that you have relatives who have experienced Alzheimer s, you may think about whether you re at higher danger, however just the early onset type of the malady (which influences individuals more youthful than 65 and records for under 5 percent of all cases)Show MoreRelatedAlzheimer s Disease, Or Senile Dementia1715 Words   |  7 Pages Alzheimer s disease, or senile dementia, is a form of dementia that affects memory, thinking, and behavior. Brain cells and their connections are killed, and this is what causes people s brain functions to fail. Scientist have yet to know what causes Alzheimer s, but have discovered that age, family history, and genes contribute to developing the disease. Symptoms experienced by people with Alzheimer s are poor judgement, poor decision making, inability to manage a budget, losing track of theRead MoreEarly Onset Of Alzheimer s Disease1742 Words   |  7 Pagescommon form of dementia is Alzheimer s. Alzheimer s disease literally eats and attacks the human brain (Overview). It is a progressive disease that causes the brain cells to degenerate and die, which causes memory loss and affects other important mental functions (Mayo). Today in America, over five million Americans are living with Alzheimer s disease and someone develops Alzheimer s disease every 67 seconds in the United Sta tes. (Overview). A form of Alzheimer s diseases is early onset. EarlyRead MoreAlzheimer s Is The Greatest Known Risk Factor For The Individuals Ages919 Words   |  4 PagesAlzheimer s is a degenerative disease of the brain that causes dementia, which is a gradual loss of memory, judgment, and ability to function. It is the most common form of dementia, and may hinder an individual s performance of daily function. Sixty to eighty percent of dementia cases are caused by Alzheimer s. This disease is considered to be the greatest known risk factor for the individuals ages sixty and older. Most of the population affected by the disease with noticeable symptoms areRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease : A Progressive Disease1663 Words   |  7 Pages15:06 Alzheimer s disease is a progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions. At first, someone with Alzheimer s disease may notice mild confusion and difficulty remembering. Eventually, people with the disease may even forget important people in their lives and undergo dramatic personality changes. Alzheimer s disease is the most common cause of dementia — a group of brain disorders that cause the loss of intellectual and social skills. In Alzheimer s diseaseRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease930 Words   |  4 Pagesnatural for some memories to fade. Loss of memories and brain function deficits that occur and are not from normal aging may indicate a person is suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease. With an aging population, Alzheimer’s is bcoming increasingly prevalent; causes, symptoms, and treatment are being researched even more the information being discovered is beginning to solve the mystery. Alzheimer s Disease was first discovered in the early 1900’s by a German psychiatrist. The disease was named after theRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease : A Progressive Decline1240 Words   |  5 PagesAlzheimer’s disease is a progressive decline in cognitive function. It affects the brain by damaging brain cells resulting in a decreased in cognitive function, physical mobility, swallowing and fine motor skills. This disease approximately 5.1 million Americans aged sixty-five or older (Alzheimer s Association, 2015) of which approximately 700,000 will likely die this year (Alzheimer s Association, 2015) of related symptoms such as aspiration pneumonia due to decreased swallowing ability. TheRead MoreThe Mystery Of Alzheimer s Disease1537 Words   |  7 PagesAlzheimer’s disease is Ultimately fatal. Medical Definition. Alzheimer s disease is a progressive, degenerative disorder that attacks the brain s nerve cells, or neurons, resulting in loss of memory, thinking and language skills, and behavioral changes. These neurons, which produce the brain chemical, or neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, break connections with other nerve cells and ultimately die. For example, short-term memory fails when Alzheimer s disease first destroys nerve cells in the hippocampusRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease Is The Most Common Form Of Dementia1086 Words   |  5 Pagesis? Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. It is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, and the fifth leading cause of death in ages 65 and older. â€Å"2010 Alzheimer s Disease Facts and Figures. Rep. Vol. 6. Chicago: Alzheimer s Association, 2010. Print. Alzheimer s and Dementia.† This disease is the deterioration of the brain that can, and probably will lead to brain loss that cannot be reversed. It is a very slow decline that can last years. Alzheimer’s usuallyRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease1421 Words   |  6 Pages Introduction A brain deteriorates, slowly being engulfed by a mysterious disease. The neurons being cut off and destroyed by two abnormal structures. First memory is affected gradually getting worse. Then one is unable to think properly, reason, and lacks of self control. Gaps are formed in the brain s ventricles, due to the amount of dead tissue. In the end, it will lead to death. All of this may sound like something from a science fiction movie but infact its very real. These are all known possibleRead MoreAlzheimers Disease : My Grandmas Killer1510 Words   |  7 PagesDisease (AD) is characterized by gradual cognitive decline that beings with the inability to create recent memories or thoughts which then proceeds to influencing all intellectual functions (Mayeux Stern, 2012) . Alzheimer’s disease leads to premature death and the dependence of someone for daily life functions. (Mayeux Stern, 2012) If effects an estimated 5.5 million people in the United States and 24 million people w orldwide (Mayeux Stern, 2012). The incidence of Alzheimer’s disease is rising in

How to Improve Employee Motivation Organizations Free Essays

Tiltle : Organizational Behaviour Assignment # 03 Assignment Tiltle: How to Improve Employees Motivation in our organization in context of Motivational Theories. Submitted By : Engr Adnan Khalid E/M-SPR10-062 Submitted To: Prof Suhail Rizvi Motivation is the activation of goal-oriented behavior. Motivation is said to be intrinsic or extrinsic. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Improve Employee Motivation Organizations or any similar topic only for you Order Now The term is generally used for humans but, theoretically, it can also be used to describe the causes for animal behavior as well.Introduction To Key Motivational Theories: Following are some of the main Management motivational theories. Maslow’s Need of hierarchy : (Motivational Factors Hierarchy) Two Factors Theory : 1. Hygiene Factors 2. Motivational Factors ERG Motivational Theory : 1. Existence 2. Relational 3. Growth How Can we Improve Motivation In Employees Of Our Organization (DESCON Chemicals Pvt Ltd): 1. Understand their behaviour: People at work naturally tend to adopt instinctive modes of behaviour that are self-protective rather than open and collaborative. This explains why emotion is a strong force in the workplace and why management often reacts violently to criticisms and usually seeks to control rather than take risks. So, in order to eliminate this kind of perspective and to increase employee motivation, it is best that you influence behaviour rather than to change personalities. Insisting what you expect from your employees will only worsen the situation. 2. Be sure that people’s lower-level needs are met: People have various kinds of needs. Examples of lower-level needs are salary, job security, and working conditions.In order to increase employee motivation, you have to meet these basic needs. Consequently, failures with basic needs nearly always explain dissatisfaction among staff. Satisfaction, on the other hand, springs from meeting higher-level needs, such as responsibility progress, and personal growth. When satisfaction is met, chances are employee motivation is at hand. Employee motivation as it relates to employees satisfaction is vitally important. And, it goes way beyond just a â€Å"happier workforce. † Why?Because there is an undeniable link between satisfied, motivated employees, and satisfied customers. In other words, focus on creating satisfied employees, focus on employee motivation, and those motivated, satisfied employees will take care of your customers. 3. Encourage pride: People need to feel that their contribution is valued and unique. If you are a manager, seek to exploit this pride in others, and be proud of your own ability to handle staff with positive results. This, in turn, will encourage employee motivation among your people. 4.Listen carefully: In many areas of a manager’s job, from meetings and appraisals to telephone calls, listening plays a key role. Listening encourages employee motivation and, therefore, benefits both you and your staff. So make an effort to understand people’s attitudes by careful listening and questioning and by giving them the opportunity to express themselves. 5. Build confidence: Most people suffer from insecurity at some time. The many kinds of anxiety that affect people in organizations can feed such insecurity, and insecurity impedes employee motivation.Your antidote, therefore, is to build confidence by giving recognition, high-level tasks, and full information. In doing so, you only not refurbish employee motivation but boost productivity as well. 6. Encourage contact : Many managers like to hide away behind closed office doors, keeping contact to a minimum. That makes it easy for an administrator, but hard to be a leader. It is far better to keep your office door open and to encourage people to visit you when the door is open. Go out of your way to chat to staff on an informal basis.Keep in mind that building rapport with your staff will effectively increase employee motivation. 7. Use the strategic thinking of all employees: It is very important to inform people about strategic plans and their own part in achieving the strategies. Take trouble to improve their understanding and to win their approval, as this will have a highly positive influence on performance and increasing employee motivation as well. 8. Develop trust: The quality and style of leadership are major factors in gaining employee motivation and trust.Clear decision making should be coupled with a collaborative, collegiate approach. This entails taking people into your confidence and explicitly and openly valuing their contributions. By simply giving your staff the opportunity to show that you can trust them is enough to increase employee motivation among them. 9. Delegate decisions : Pushing the power of decision-making downward reduces pressure on senior management. It motivates people on the lower levels because it gives them a vote of confidence.Also, because the decision is taken nearer to the point of action, it is more likely to be correct. Consequently, by encouraging them to choose their own working methods, make decisions, and giving them responsibility for meeting the agreed goal will encourage employee motivation among your staff. 10. Appraising to motivate :When choosing methods of assessing your staff’s performance, always make sure that the end result has a positive effect on employee motivation and increases people’s sense of self-worth. Realistic targets, positive feedback, and listening are key factors. At times, managers unknowingly sabotage employee motivation by failing to recognize the positive behaviors and achievements of their employees. As a result, employees don’t know whether or not they are doing a good job. 11. Employee Motivation Through Recognition: Many people will do for recognition what they will not do for money. And, this is the manager’s secret weapon for employee motivation. Some people are motivated by the opportunity to get their name on the wall, receive a trophy at an annual banquet, or see their name in the company newsletter.It gives them an â€Å"emotional payoff† for their actions. Look for ways to increase employee motivation by recognizing excellence in the workplace. Ring a bell every time an individual or team hits the production target. Put up posters with the photographs of team members who have had the most days without accidents. Give out awards for attendance records. Just do something. It is so inexpensive, yet highly effective in your efforts of employee motivation. 12. Honor your promises: Getting people to give their all requires following through on promises. If you tell an employee that he or she will be onsidered for a bonus if numbers improve or productivity increases, you’d better put your money where your mouth is. Failure to follow through on promises will result in a loss of trust — not only that person’s trust, but the trust of every employee that hears the story. 13. Match tasks to talents. You can improve employee motivation by improving employee confidence. Assign individuals with tasks you know they will enjoy or will be particularly good at. An employee who is successful at one thing will have the self-confidence to tackle other projects with renewed energy and excitement. How to cite How to Improve Employee Motivation Organizations, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Reflection on Statistics Learning Goals

Table of Contents Introduction Descriptive Statistics Correlation Hypothesis Testing Future Plans Conclusion References Introduction Statistical knowledge is important to both statisticians and non-statisticians (Broers, 2006). It is, therefore, recommended that people from all disciplines are given basic skills in statistics.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection on Statistics Learning Goals specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For this reason, I pursued this course to obtain quantitative skills to be applied and improved on in several ways. In this regard, I hoped to obtain knowledge in designing of experiments, collection and analysis of data, interpretation of results as well as drawing of conclusions (Broers, 2006). Descriptive Statistics Today I can proudly say that my learning objectives were well met. I now have a clear understanding of statistical applications. I know how to collect, organize and de scribe data. I can apply measures of central tendency such as mean, mode and median in data description. I can also use measures of dispersion such as standard deviation and variance to describe data. In addition, I have clear knowledge of normal distributions as well as the conditions to be met for a distribution to be considered normal (Broers, 2006). Correlation Through this course, am able to determine a relationship between two sets of data. I can identify dependent and independent variables and the kind of relationship that exist between them. I can tell if one variable has a causal effect on the other. Furthermore, am able to identify positive, negative and minimal correlations (Broers, 2006). Hypothesis Testing In most cases, it is difficult to collect data on a whole population (Chance, 2002). In this regard, I have obtained necessary skills in sampling techniques. I have skills to analyze data from a sample and make conclusions regarding the entire population by using stat istical probabilities and test of hypothesis. In hypothesis testing, one tries to establish whether the outcomes of a certain study are due to chance or identifiable cause (Chance, 2002). Knowledge in application of significance level, critical value, degrees of freedom and p-value is used. One has to be able to formulate the null and the alternative hypotheses (Chance, 2002).Advertising Looking for essay on math statistics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More I am now in a position to use t-test to determine if there are statistically significant differences between two sets of data. In this regard, I understand the required assumptions for t-test to be applied. I have a clear understanding of analysis of variance (ANOVA), both one-way and two-way. I, however, feel that more practice in all these applications will help me perfect my understanding (Chance, 2002). Future Plans This course has given me a clear understanding of the role of statistics in life. Statistics is the most used research tool in medicine, education, psychology, business and economics, among other fields (Rumsey, 2002). It helps in shaping people’s choices in their daily lives. For example, statistical findings can give a clear understanding of implications of some behaviors such as smoking and lead to corrective measures. I have always wanted to build a strong career in research. After taking this course, I have now made up my minds to major in statistics. I wish to have advanced skills in statistics which will enable me handle and analyze large and complex research problems. In this case, the knowledge I have already obtained will give me a head start. Conclusion The objectives I hoped to attain by pursuing this cause have been well achieved. Am now able to design experiments as well as collect, analyze and interpret data. I can apply this knowledge in real life situations and draw conclusions that will help find solutions to s ome problems. However, this course has given me energy to pursue further knowledge in statistics. For this reason, I intend to major in statistics to be in a better position to handle more complex research problems. References Broers, N. J. (2006). Learning goals: the primacy of statistical knowledge. Maastricht: Maastricht University. Chance, B. L. (2002). Components of statistical thinking and implications for instruction and assessment. Journal of Statistics Education, 10(3): 15-19.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection on Statistics Learning Goals specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Rumsey, D. J. (2002). Statistical literacy as a goal for introductory statistics courses. Journal of Statistics Education, 10(3): 7-13 This essay on Reflection on Statistics Learning Goals was written and submitted by user Damion Rivera to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

How to Create a Heritage Scrapbook - Family History Album

How to Create a Heritage Scrapbook - Family History Album The perfect place to showcase and protect your precious family photos, heirlooms, and memories, a heritage scrapbook album is a wonderful way to document your familys history and create a lasting gift for future generations. While it may seem a daunting task when faced with boxes of dusty old photos, scrapbooking is actually both fun and easier than you might think. Gather Your Memories At the heart of most heritage scrapbooks is the photos - pictures of your grandparents wedding, your great-grandfather at work in the fields, a family Christmas celebration, and so on. Begin your heritage scrapbook project by gathering together as many photographs as possible, from boxes, attics, old albums, and relatives. These photos dont necessarily need to have people in them - pictures of old houses, automobiles, and towns are great for adding historical interest to a family history scrapbook. Remember, in your quest, that pictures from slides and reel-to-reel 8mm films can be made at a relatively low cost through your local photo store. Family mementos such as birth and marriage certificates, report cards, old letters, family recipes, clothing items, and a lock of hair can also add interest to a family history scrapbook. Smaller items can be incorporated into a heritage scrapbook by placing them in clear, self-adhesive, acid-free memorabilia pockets. Larger heirlooms such as a pocket watch, wedding dress, or family quilt can also be included by photocopying or scanning them and using the copies in your heritage album. Get Organized As you begin to accumulate photos and materials, work to organize and protect them by sorting them in archival safe photo files and boxes. Use labeled file dividers to help you divide the photos into groups - by person, family, time-period, life-stages, or another theme. This will help make it easy to find a specific item as you work, while also protecting the items which dont make it into the scrapbook. As you work, use a photo-safe pen or pencil to write details of each photo on the back, including the peoples names, the event, the location and the date the photo was taken. Then, once your photos are organized, store them in a dark, cool, dry location, keeping in mind that its best to store photos standing upright. Assemble Your Supplies Since the purpose of compiling a heritage scrapbook is to preserve family memories, it is important to start with supplies that will protect your precious photographs and memorabilia. Basic scrapbooking begins with just four items - an album, adhesive, scissors, and a journaling pen. Scrapbook Album - Choose a photo album that contains acid-free pages, or purchase acid-free, PVC-free sheet protectors and slip them into a three-ring binder. The size of your scrapbook is a matter of personal preference (most scrapbooks are either 8 1/2 x 11 or 12 x 12.), but consider the availability and cost of supplies, as well as how many pictures you want to fit on each page when you make your choice. Scrapbook albums come in a variety of styles, with post bound, expandable spine and 3 ring albums being the most popular.Adhesives - Used to secure everything to the album pages, adhesives come in many forms, including photo corners, photo tape, double-sided adhesive strips, and glue sticks.Scissors - Available in both straight-edge and decorative-edge, scissors help cut your photos into interesting shapes and crop out any unwanted areas.Journaling Pens - Acid-free, permanent markers, and pens are necessary for writing down important names, dates, and family memories, as well as f or adding fun doodles and pictures to your scrapbook pages. Other fun scrapbooking supplies to enhance your family history scrapbook include colored and patterned acid-free papers, stickers, a paper trimmer, templates, decorative rulers, paper punches, rubber stamps, computer clipart, and fonts, and a circle or pattern cutter. Next Page Step-by-Step Heritage Scrapbook Pages After gathering the photos and memorabilia for your heritage scrapbook, its finally time for the fun part - to sit down and create the pages. The basic steps for creating a scrapbook page include: Select Your Photos Begin your page by choosing a number of photos for your page which relate to a single theme - e.g. Great-grandmas wedding. For a single album page layout, select 3 to 5 photos. For a two page spread, select between 5 and 7 photos. When you have the option, use only the best photos for your heritage album - photos which are clear, focused, and best help to tell the story. Heritage Tip - If a photo that you wish to use in your album is torn, scratched, or faded, consider scanning in the photo and using a graphic editing program to repair the cracks and clean up the image. The restored image can then be printed and used for your heritage album. Choose Your Colors Select 2 or 3 colors to complement your photos. One of these may serve as a background or base page, and the others for matting photos. A variety of papers, including patterns and textures, are available which can serve as beautiful backgrounds and mats for heritage scrapbooks. Heritage Tip - You can create your own background papers by photocopying precious family heirlooms (such as a bit of lace from your grandmothers wedding dress). If using patterned paper or a photocopied image for the background, then it is usually best to mat photos with plain papers to help them stand out from the busy background. Crop Photos Use a pair of sharp scissors to trim away unwanted background and other objects in your photos. You may want to keep cars, houses, furniture, or other background images in some photos for historical reference while highlighting just a specific individual in others. Cropping templates and cutters are available to help you crop your photos in a variety of shapes. Decorative-edged scissors can also be used to trim photos. Heritage Tip - It is best to make and use copies of any precious heritage photos which you wish to crop, rather than cutting and possibly destroying the only photo you have of a deceased relative. Cropping can also cause crumbling edges and cracking emulsion in older, fragile photos. Mat Photos A bit different than the traditional picture mat, matting to scrapbookers means to glue a photograph on a piece of paper (the mat) and then trim the paper close to the edges of the photograph. This creates a decorative frame around the photo. Different combinations of decorative-edged scissors and straight scissors can help provide interest and help your photos pop from the pages. Heritage Tip - When including original heritage photographs in your scrapbook, it is always a good idea to attach them to your page with photo corners rather than glue or other adhesive options. in case you need to remove them or make additional copies. Arrange the Page Begin by experimenting with possible layouts for your photos and memorabilia. Arrange and rearrange until the layout satisfies you. Be sure to leave room for titles, journaling, and embellishments. When you are happy with the layout to attach to the page using acid-free adhesive or tape. Alternatively, use photo corners or a corner slot punch. Heritage Tip - Always assume that memorabilia is acidic, rather than finding out the hard way. Use a deacidification spray to deacidify book pages, newspaper clippings, and other papers, and enclose other memorabilia in acid-free sleeves. Next Page Add Interest With Journaling Embellishments Add Journaling Personalize your page by writing down names, date, and place of event, as well as memories or quotes from some of the people involved. Called journaling, this is probably the most important step when creating a heritage scrapbook. For each photo or set of related photos, you should follow the five Ws - 1) who (who are the people in the photo), when (when was the photo taken), where (where was the photo taken), why (why is the moment significant), and what (what are the people doing in the photo). When journaling, be sure to use a waterproof, fade resistant, permanent, quick drying pen - preferably black as research has shown that black ink best stands the test of time. Other colors can be used for adding decoration, or other non-essential information. Heritage Tip - When journaling in your heritage scrapbooking, it is important to be specific, adding related memories and details to the names and dates. Grandma in her kitchen on June 1954 is nice, but it is better to write: Grandma loves to cook and is very proud of her kitchen, seen here on June 1954. Her chocolate cake was always the hit of the party. Embellish by adding mementos from the occasion, such as a copy of Grandmas chocolate cake recipe (in her own handwriting, if possible). Add Embellishments To complete your scrapbook layout and complement your photos, consider adding some stickers, die cuts, punch art, or stamped images. Stickers add interest with very little work on your part and help give your page a polished look.Die Cuts are pre-cut shapes cut from cardstock, available in many sizes and colors. They help add pizzazz to your scrapbook without the need for a lot of creative talent. Solid die-cuts also make great spots for journaling. Be sure to select die-cuts made from acid-free and lignin-free paper.Punch Art, the process of using shaped craft punches to cut various shapes from cardstock and them combining those shapes to create completed works of art, is another easy way to add interest to your scrapbook pages. Again, be sure that you use acid-free and lignin-free paper to create your punch art.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Biography and Legacy of Ferdinand Magellan

Biography and Legacy of Ferdinand Magellan One of the greatest explorers of the Age of Discovery, Ferdinand Magellan is best known for leading the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe. However, he personally did not complete the route and perished in the South Pacific. A determined man, he overcame personal obstacles, mutinies, uncharted seas, biting hunger, and malnutrition during the course of his voyage. Today, his name is synonymous with discovery and exploration. Early Years and Education Ferno Magalhes (Ferdinand Magellan is an anglicized version of his name) was born in approximately 1480 in the small Portuguese town of Villa de Sabroza. As the son of the mayor, he led a privileged childhood, and at an early age, he went to the royal court in Lisbon to serve as page to the Queen. He was very well educated, studying with some of the finest tutors in Portugal, and from an early age showed an interest in navigation and exploration. The De Almeida Expedition As a well-educated and well-connected young man, it was easy for Magellan to sign on with many of the different expeditions departing from Spain and Portugal at the time. In 1505, he accompanied Francisco De Almeida, who had been named Viceroy of India. De Almeida had a fleet of 20 heavily-armed ships, and they sacked settlements and established towns and forts in north-eastern Africa along the way. Magellan fell out of favor with De Almeida around 1510 when he was accused of illegally trading with Islamic locals. He returned to Portugal in disgrace and offers for him to join new expeditions dried up. From Portugal to Spain Magellan was convinced that a new route to the lucrative Spice Islands could be found by going through the New World. He presented his plan to the King of Portugal, Manuel I. He was rejected, possibly because of his past problems with De Almeida. Determined to get funding for his trip, Magellan went to Spain. Here, he was granted an audience with Charles V, who agreed to finance his journey. By August of 1519, Magellan had five ships: the Trinidad (his flagship), Victoria, San Antonio, Concepcià ³n, and the Santiago. His crew of 270 men was mostly Spanish. Departure, Mutiny, and the Wreck Magellan’s fleet left Seville on August 10, 1519. After stopovers in the Canary and Cape Verde Islands, they headed for Portuguese Brazil. Here, they anchored near present-day Rio de Janeiro in January of 1520 to take on supplies, trading with locals for food and water. It was at this time that serious troubles began: the Santiago was wrecked and the survivors had to be picked up. The captains of the other ships attempted to mutiny. At one point, Magellan was forced to open fire on the San Antonio. He reasserted command and executed or marooned most of those responsible, pardoning the others. The Strait of Magellan The four remaining ships headed south, searching for passage around South America. Between October and November 1520, they navigated through the islands and waterways on the continent’s southern tip. The passage they found was named the Strait of Magellan. They discovered Tierra del Fuego as the sailed. On November 28, 1520, they found a tranquil-looking body of water. Magellan named it the Mar Pacà ­fico, or the Pacific Ocean. During the exploration of the islands, the San Antonio deserted. The ship returned to Spain and took too much of the remaining provisions with it, forcing the men to hunt and fish for food. Across the Pacific Convinced the Spice Islands were only a short sail away, Magellan led his ships across the Pacific, discovering the Marianas Islands and Guam. Although Magellan named them the Islas de las Velas Latinas (Islands of the Triangular Sails), the name Islas de los Ladrones (Islands of Thieves) stuck because locals made off with one of the landing boats after giving Magellan’s men some supplies. Pressing on, they landed on Homonhon Island in the Philippines. Magellan found he could communicate with the people, as one of his men spoke Malay. He had reached the Eastern edge of the world known to Europeans. Death Homonhon was uninhabited, but Magellan’s ships were seen and contacted by some locals who led them to Cebu, home of Chief Humabon, who befriended Magellan. Humabon and his wife even converted to Christianity along with many of the locals. They then convinced Magellan to attack Lapu-Lapu, a rival chieftain on nearby Mactan Island. On April 17, 1521, Magellan and some of his men attacked a much larger force of islanders, trusting their armor and advanced weapons to win the day. The attack was fought off, however, and Magellan was among those killed. Efforts to ransom his body failed. It was never recovered. Return to Spain Leaderless and short on men, the remaining sailors decided to burn the Concepcià ³n and return to Spain. The two ships managed to find the Spice Islands and loaded up the holds with valuable cinnamon and cloves. As they crossed the Indian Ocean, however, the Trinidad began to leak. It eventually sank, although some of the men made it to India and from there back to Spain. The Victoria kept going, losing several men to starvation. It arrived in Spain on September 6, 1522, more than three years after it had left. There were only 18 sickly men crewing the ship, a fraction of the 270 who had set out. Ferdinand Magellan Legacy Magellan is credited with being the first to circumnavigate the world in spite of two somewhat glaring details: first, he died halfway through the journey and second, he never intended to travel in a circle. He simply wanted to find a new route to the Spice Islands. Some historians have said that Juan Sebastin Elcano, who captained the Victoria back from the Philippines, is a worthier candidate for the title of first to circumnavigate the globe. Elcano had begun the voyage as master on board the Concepcià ³n. There are two written records of the journey. The first was a journal kept by an Italian passenger who paid to go on the trip, Antonio Pigafetta. The second was a series of interviews with the survivors made by Maximilianus of Transylvania upon their return. Both documents reveal a fascinating voyage of discovery. The Magellan expedition was responsible for several major discoveries. In addition to the Pacific Ocean and numerous islands, waterways and other geographic information, the expedition also sighted a great many new animals, including penguins and guanacos. The discrepancies between the log book and the date when they returned to Spain led directly to the concept of the International Date Line. Their measurements of distances traveled helped contemporary scientists determine the size of the earth. They were the first to sight certain galaxies visible in the night sky, now aptly known as the Magellanic Clouds. Although the Pacific had been first discovered in 1513 by Vasco Nuà ±ez de Balboa, it is Magellans name for it that stuck. Balboa called it the South Sea. Immediately upon the return of the Victoria, European sailing ships began trying to duplicate the voyage, including an expedition led by surviving captain Elcano. It wasn’t until Sir Francis Drake’s 1577 voyage, however, that anyone managed to do it again. Still, the knowledge gained from Magellans voyage immensely advanced the science of navigation at the time. Today, Magellan’s name is synonymous with discovery and exploration. Telescopes and spacecraft bear his name, as does a region in Chile. Perhaps because of his untimely demise, his name does not have the negative baggage associated with it like fellow explorer Christopher Columbus, blamed by many for subsequent atrocities in the lands he discovered. Source: Thomas, Hugh. Rivers of Gold: The Rise of the Spanish Empire, from Columbus to Magellan. Paperback, Random House Trade Paperback, May 31, 2005.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Personal Reflection Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Reflection - Research Paper Example The substantive aspect includes nurses’ knowledge, tough standards and guts to pursue directions regardless of opposition. According to Downey, Parslow, and Smart (2011), â€Å"Identification of nurses with leadership characteristics is important so that leadership development and mentoring can occur within the nursing profession† (p. 517). For me, the accomplishment of an organization depends mainly on value-based actions of the leader, as Grossman and Valiga (2009, p.5) assert, â€Å"Leaders are proactive in formulating goals, primarily because they typically arise out of some personal passion for a better world†. The goal of leadership is to make â€Å"practical effort† (Zaleznik, 1981, p.26) for the new comers to follow the way the leaders work. Grossman and Valiga (2009) affirm, â€Å"In their relationships with others, leaders are concerned with what events and decisions men to those who are affected by them† (p. 5). On the other hand, management is the process of determining goals and objectives while recognizing roles and responsibilities and meeting deadlines (Zaleznik, 2004). Managers stay in communication with employees; however, their vision about organizational objectives is much shorter than that of the leader (Grossman & Valiga, 2009). The ultimate goal of the leadership is to create such teams that work effectively to produce greater results. After taking these tests: â€Å"Leadership Skills: Rate Yourself† (Grossman & Valiga, 2009, p. 20) and â€Å"The Grossman & Valiga Leadership Characteristics and Skills Assessment† (Grossman & Valiga, 2009, pp. 16-19), I figured out that leadership and management are two different domains, but many people confuse one concept with the other. In first test, I scored 38, which means that I possess good leadership qualities. In second test, for part 1 I scored 52 as I confused leadership with management; however, for part two I scored

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Benefits and drawbacks of the electronic health record Research Paper

Benefits and drawbacks of the electronic health record - Research Paper Example The past decade has witnessed technological advancement in virtually every industry. Compared to a decade ago, many people in developed economies can now purchase goods online, buy air tickets and earn degrees online. Health records have for a long time depended on the traditional system of record keeping that is tedious and prone to errors. Electronic health Record (EHR) system plays a vital role in transforming the healthcare system mainly from a paper based system to a comprehensive computerized system through the use of clinical information to deliver high quality care to the patients. Various countries have come up with laws that manage require the healthcare facilities to adopt EHR and utilize it in a â€Å"meaningful way† with respect to cost containment and errors reduction. This is expected to transform the healthcare institutions for the benefits of both patients and administrators. However, there are various concerns over the use of EHR and questions are asked whether it really meets the intended benefits that are to improve care with acceptable level of errors. This study focuses on the review of literature on the impacts of EHR. As stated by Dentler et al (2014), EHR impacts are either beneficial or drawbacks, thus this study embarks on the merits and demerits of implementing an EHR by a healthcare facility as identified by experts in various studies. Electronic Health Register (EHR) refers to the longitudinal electronic record of patients’ information with respect to health that has been generated through one or more encounters with the patient. EHR contains the patients’ information related to progress, demographics, past medical history, vital signs, radiology reports, laboratory data, problems and medications (Page et al, 2011). According to Menachemi & Collum (2011), three attributes defines a â€Å"meaningful use† of EHR: Computerized Physician order entry (CPOE) systems, Clinical Decision Support (CDS) and

Friday, January 24, 2020

The Great American Depression of the 1930s :: American History Essays

The Great American Depression of the 1930's The economic depression that beset the United States and other countries in the 1930s was unique in its magnitude and its consequences. At the depth of the depression, in 1933, one American worker in every four was out of a job. In other countries unemployment ranged between 15 percent and 25 percent of the labor force. The great industrial slump continued throughout the 1930s, shaking the foundations of Western capitalism and the society based upon it. Economic Aspects President Calvin COOLIDGE had said during the long prosperity of the 1920s that "The business of America is business." Despite the seeming business prosperity of the 1920s, however, there were serious economic weak spots, a chief one being a depression in the agricultural sector. also depressed were such industries as coal mining, railroads, and textiles. Throughout the 1920s, U. S. banks had failed--an average of 600 per year--as had thousands of other business firms. By 1928 the construction boom was over. The spectacular rise in prices on the STOCK MARKET from 1924 to 1929 bore little relation to actual economic conditions. In fact, the boom in the stock market and in real estate, along with the expansion in credit (created, in part, by low-paid workers buying on credit) and high profits for a few industries, concealed basic problems. Thus the U. S. stock market crash that occurred in October 1929, with huge losses, was not the fundamental cause of the Great Depression, although the crash sparked, and certainly marked the beginning of, the most traumatic economic period of modern times. By 1930, the slump was apparent, but few people expected it to continue; previous financial PANICS and depressions had reversed in a year or two. The usual forces of economic expansion had vanished, however. Technology had eliminated more industrial jobs than it had created; the supply of goods continued to exceed demand; the world market system was basically unsound. The high tariffs of the Smoot-Hawley Act (1930) exacerbated the downturn. As business failures increased and unemployment soared--and as people with dwindling incomes nonetheless had to pay their creditors--it was apparent that the United States was in the grip of economic breakdown. Most European countries were hit even harder, because they had not yet fully recovered from the ravages of World War I.) The deepening depression essentially coincided with the term in office (1929-33) of President Herbert HOOVER. The stark statistics scarcely convey the distress of the millions of people who lost jobs, savings, and homes. From 1930 to 1933 industrial stocks lost 80% of their value. In the four

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Single Parent Households

Raising children is a major job that takes time and patience. But imagine being a single parent, raising a child on your own. According to, Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support: 2007, released by the U. S. Census Bureau in November 2009, there are approximately 13. 7 million single parents in the United States today ( that’s not including the individuals who didn’t participate). Those parents are responsible for raising 21. 8 million children (approximately 26% of children under 21 in the U.S. today). Generally, I will illustrate the picture of the single-family and their corresponding struggles with daily life. Approximately 84% of custodial parents are mothers and 16% of custodial parents are fathers. Economic burdens are greater in the women household which results from the fact that the average single mother does not earn the same income as a single man. This economic struggle is not experienced in the single father household due to the balance of w ork and family duties women face.You find most women working overtime to make up for the fact they have low salaries which takes time away from their children and daily chores to meet the needs of their kids. This results in either the child being left home alone without proper supervision, or placed in childcare eight to ten hours a day. Having trusted friends and family that can assist with childcare or transportation is a great asset when it comes to being a single parent.It is also the terrible price that parents pay to provide for their children when they have to work during those memorable moments of childhood. In addition, single parents struggle with time not only for their children but for themselves. In two parent households they struggle with managing time, so when the all the responsibility is solely on a single parent, the struggle can be suffocating. When you are working, going to school and caring for your child, you can find the task a little bit exhausting.While eac h task seem just as important as the next, a child needs can’t be negotiated, which from experience I know it may get the best of your emotions. Losing sleep to make financial needs meet or studying may bring your mental and physical tolerance to a minimum. Stress, malnutrition, physical abuse and sleep deprivation sound like torture, but it’s the situation that most single parent face every day. Last but not least, the average single parent pushes forward to achieve their personal goals or careers because that’s all they have to call their own.When achieving the balance of sacrifice and success that provides the best outcome for that child and its parent, can be a difficult path for anyone. This path challenges one decision and pushes the single parent to and emotional breakdown, which causes them to question, what may be best for not only them but the child. It’s a barrier that single parents face every day because their goals and careers take a back se at to the birth of their child. When that child is born, that child life is beginning and all your goals may be pushed off which makes them at times less important as before.In conclusion, single parent households have overcoming barriers that make all the struggles and sacrifices worth it at the end. Despite the challenges and emotional highs and lows, the creation of a responsible human being is always worth the trouble. At the end, the bond between that parent and child will be inseparable because that child will never forget all the sacrifices and hard work you have put forth to make their life that much easier. I don’t think society see the struggles many single parent households face daily.If we would help these parents out more than our society wouldn’t have to continuously point the finger to the boy who murdered and raped a young girl because he was a part of the single parent household statistic. So you wonder am I for or against the single parent household a nd my response to that is I have no choice, I live it every day. Everything I wrote was my lifestyle since I had my two year old son but never in a million years will I change it. Single Parent Households Raising children is a major job that takes time and patience. But imagine being a single parent, raising a child on your own. According to, Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support: 2007, released by the U. S. Census Bureau in November 2009, there are approximately 13. 7 million single parents in the United States today ( that’s not including the individuals who didn’t participate). Those parents are responsible for raising 21. 8 million children (approximately 26% of children under 21 in the U.S. today). Generally, I will illustrate the picture of the single-family and their corresponding struggles with daily life. Approximately 84% of custodial parents are mothers and 16% of custodial parents are fathers. Economic burdens are greater in the women household which results from the fact that the average single mother does not earn the same income as a single man. This economic struggle is not experienced in the single father household due to the balance of w ork and family duties women face.You find most women working overtime to make up for the fact they have low salaries which takes time away from their children and daily chores to meet the needs of their kids. This results in either the child being left home alone without proper supervision, or placed in childcare eight to ten hours a day. Having trusted friends and family that can assist with childcare or transportation is a great asset when it comes to being a single parent.It is also the terrible price that parents pay to provide for their children when they have to work during those memorable moments of childhood. In addition, single parents struggle with time not only for their children but for themselves. In two parent households they struggle with managing time, so when the all the responsibility is solely on a single parent, the struggle can be suffocating. When you are working, going to school and caring for your child, you can find the task a little bit exhausting.While eac h task seem just as important as the next, a child needs can’t be negotiated, which from experience I know it may get the best of your emotions. Losing sleep to make financial needs meet or studying may bring your mental and physical tolerance to a minimum. Stress, malnutrition, physical abuse and sleep deprivation sound like torture, but it’s the situation that most single parent face every day. Last but not least, the average single parent pushes forward to achieve their personal goals or careers because that’s all they have to call their own.When achieving the balance of sacrifice and success that provides the best outcome for that child and its parent, can be a difficult path for anyone. This path challenges one decision and pushes the single parent to and emotional breakdown, which causes them to question, what may be best for not only them but the child. It’s a barrier that single parents face every day because their goals and careers take a back se at to the birth of their child. When that child is born, that child life is beginning and all your goals may be pushed off which makes them at times less important as before.In conclusion, single parent households have overcoming barriers that make all the struggles and sacrifices worth it at the end. Despite the challenges and emotional highs and lows, the creation of a responsible human being is always worth the trouble. At the end, the bond between that parent and child will be inseparable because that child will never forget all the sacrifices and hard work you have put forth to make their life that much easier. I don’t think society see the struggles many single parent households face daily.If we would help these parents out more than our society wouldn’t have to continuously point the finger to the boy who murdered and raped a young girl because he was a part of the single parent household statistic. So you wonder am I for or against the single parent household a nd my response to that is I have no choice, I live it every day. Everything I wrote was my lifestyle since I had my two year old son but never in a million years will I change it.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Modern Monarchy of Britain Essay - 1676 Words

When one thinks of Britain, perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is the iconic figures of the Royal Family. This hallowed line of descendants makes up the British Monarchy, serving above the people of the Commonwealth under the control of Britain. With such fanfare and dignity come an equally great responsibility. While the structure and ceremonial hype surrounding the British Monarchy has remained nearly unchanged since its creation, the role and powers of Britains current Monarchy is significantly different. The British Monarchy is composed of a King or Queen and their family, whose heirs inherit the throne when the King or Queen dies. The current Royal family is known as the â€Å"House of Windsor† and was created in 1917†¦show more content†¦Each of the children of these members receives a formal title when her or she is married, and until that point is a Prince or Princess (Hoey 4). When the King or Queen dies, the family follows a distinct order of success ion. The Monarchy follows a â€Å"male primogeniture† system, in which oldest sons are chosen over younger sons, and male children are chosen over females, regardless of age (â€Å"About the British Royal Family†). Should there be no direct male heir, a female is made Queen. The spouses of male children who become King are permitted to take the title of Queen; however, the spouses of female children who become Queen are not allowed to take the title of King. Instead, they are given an honorary title of Prince (â€Å"The Monarchy†). The obviously most important member of the Royal Family is the King or Queen. Currently, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary holds the title of Queen Elizabeth II. Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her sixtieth anniversary of her coronation on February 6, 2012, making her the second longest ruling Monarch behind Queen Victoria (â€Å"The Queen and the UK†). Elizabeth is only the sixth Queen to ever rule over the British Monarchy. She is able to trace her family line back to the first king of England, being the thirty-second great granddaughter of King Alfred (Simpson). Worth approximately  £350 million, the Queen also controls severalShow MoreRelatedBritish Monarchy - Should They Stay or Should They Go? Yona Oshrat1594 Words   |  7 PagesBritish monarchy - Should they stay or should they go? Yona Oshrat The nurse Jacintha Saldanha was looking after Prince William’s wife Kate – who was suffering from morning sickness – when two Australian DJs called the hospital impersonating The Queen and Prince Charles. Believing the call was genuine she then transferred the call to the ward where Kate was staying where another nurse gave information about Kate’s condition. 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